Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Graham's frustrating Lesson

This is us doing "How To Teach your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons", we have done this lesson at least twice and I had been working with him for about 10 minutes before I started recording him. The "t" sound was our new sound and he could not get it. We had gone over the "t" sound using other exercises to help him. He has done this with every letter we have learned. The other sounds have been drilled into him for the last few months. But we are still on lesson 9 after three months and with each new day is a huge review on sounds. He did finally get it the last time we went through it, we will see how tomorrow goes. He is actually extremely good at recognizing shapes, colors and he can memorize verses well. He is very good at figuring things out, like tying knots, riding his bike, doing things with the animals. Telling a story back to me and recognizing letters and numbers seems to be very difficult.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Braxtyn's K-4

Braxtyn's k-4 curriculum

How to teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons
Abeka's ABC-123
Abeka ABC writing tablet
Abeka Art projects K-4
Abeka God's World (science)
Prayer request booklet
The word and song bible
The story of the world (history)

Graham's K -5

Graham's K-5 curriculum

Saxon K - meeting book and lessons
Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons
Explode the code - order online (August)
Abeka Numbers writing tablet
Abeka K-5 writing tablet
Abeka Writing with phonics k-5
Prayer request booklet
Abeka God's world (science)
Story of the world
The word and song bible

Noah's second Grade

Noah's Second grade curriculum guide

Saxon Math second Grade - will need Grade three by January 2011
Abeka Letters and Sounds book 2, test book and test key
Abeka Spelling and Poetry2
Abeka Language 2
Prayer Request booklet
Enjoying God's World (Science)
Story of the World (history)
Stick Figuring through the bible New testament
Cursive writing tablet
Piano lessons