Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Next Year's HS ideas


Typing program  (Free) www.powertyping.com/qwerty/lessons
Math TT 5    ($99.95)
Literature books and vocab and spelling (free from the library)
Pilgrims Progress
Ben and Me
The Swiss Family Robinson
The Trumpet of the Swan
Farmer Boy
The Indian in The Cupboard
The Five Little Peppers and How they Grew
The Magician's Nephew
Stuart Little
The Secret Garden
Write an essay per day about what you read (bible or literature)
Bible - New testament
Science and History - look up and write 2 paragraphs about 8 sentences.
Power Point - Presentations
Cursive without tears ($15.50)
Sportz Kids AZ ($200/year)


Dianne Craft phonics program (already purchased)
readers from library (free)
Spelling City (free)
Math??? maybe TT3, or Saxxon home school 5/4 (borrowed from Doni)
Bible on CD ($35.95 Amazon)
Microsoft Word documents on Science subjects ($8)
Moezart ($200)

Abeka Math 1 (22.15)
Explode the Code ($65 online or $26 for all books)
Spelling City (free)
Moezart ($200)

Total school materials - $207.55
Total extras - $600

Bible on CD