Saturday, August 2, 2014

I quit, this week I'm having a freak out moment..

Confession:  I'm feeling panicky about starting school this year. Yep, digging my feet in, not sure when I'm going to begin..panic!  What the what? I've been doing this home school thing for years and usually about now I'm ready to start up and use all my cool new curriculum. After some soul searching and achingly hard days, I've come to the following conclusions:
1. I have a 4th child entering my classroom this year. Cozette, begins Kindergarten.
2. Dyslexia..just this one word sends apprehension and feelings of self-doubt running up my spine. 
So, it may seem like small things to another mother, but this one is just having a freak out moment. 

I think it's funny how God can calm a fear we struggle with in the most unexpected ways. My week from you know where, was winding down and I had one last obligation to attend Friday night. Don't get me wrong most of my obligations are self imposed and although overwhelming, enjoyable. But as I was headed out the door with my five beautiful mess makers and my overly tired husband who had just worked two double shifts with very little sleep, I was beginning to wish for a house in the mountains far far away from obligations and my propensity to over-plan. Well, wouldn't you know I was introduced to and ended up sitting next to at dinner, a teacher of ten years with a masters in reading intervention. So back story, I have been working with the principle down the street to get special help with their reading specialist. I was just told that unless I enroll him for 7 hours a day he cannot see the reading specialist for an hour. Yep, I told them I pay taxes and their school gets paid extra money for my son being in their specials classes and that I would bring him on their's been a long arduous journey through the joys of public vs home school. Anyways, I had been feeling rejected and overwhelmed that I needed to make sure Graham had what he needed this year to progress. Ok, back to the dinner with the teacher. There we were talking about schooling kids and I'm telling her my story and what I've been doing with Graham and how I work with him, what his lesson plans are. And without even realizing it she says the best thing I could have heard all week. Ready? Summary is, basically what I've learned over the years specializing in my son's dyslexia is more than she's learned with her masters degree in that specific reading disability. So bottom line, unless a reading specialist has studied only dyslexia and worked with children in that capacity, its possible that I know more about how to help my son than a reading intervention teacher at the local school. Add to the fact that he's my son so I know him better than anyone else. It suddenly becomes clear to me that, I CAN DO IT! Sorry, it took me a while to get there, but God knew that. He knew I needed some validation and some encouragement. Last night it came from a complete stranger, who was sweet enough and confident enough to tell me what I was doing was the right thing for my son. I have a lot of respect for teachers and specialists in schools, I just needed to know that although I don't have a teacher's certificate or a Master's in reading intervention, that I have ability to give my child the very thing he needs. Now, adding a Cozette to the mix of my school day, that's a whole other thing. But like all the others, she will find her groove and open up to learning new things this year. 

Websites I currently find the coolest stuff on!

Keys for Kids - an old fashioned daily devotionals intended for children to listen to

Best deals on the planet for homeschooling curriculum
Home School Buyers Co-op

Brave Writer - I love her blog, her daily writing tips and overall writing philosophy. I'm sure we will do her on-line writing classes for high school.

Click Schooling - Virtual field trips and fun printables!

Fun videos made by homeschoolers for homeschoolers 
Messy Mondays - 

Here we go! 

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